Steps to Self-employment

Welcome to the Creative Connections Blog, a place to find out the latest course info for the 'Steps to Self-Employment' programme at Wolverhampton Adult Education Service. Find useful links to support and information for freelance artists as well as links to Wolverhampton's cultural scene.

The image above shows a detail of a painting by Steve Edwards from our recent exhibition at Bilston Craft Gallery, which also featured, Paula Kovacs, Sharon Samuel David Morrin and Ruth Watkins.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

May 2012 Showcase exhibition

 Here's some images of our course exhibition in May 2012:

  Laos Waterfall by Rachel Arnold

                                glass ring inspired by Alice in Wonderland by Charlotte Clark
                                          Clee Hill by Howard Pullar


and here are the artists that took part, alongside their work:

                                         imaginary characters by Katie Lane

                                         figurative drawings by Lisa Chapman

                                         bold semi abstract work by Tosca Lahiri

                                                      drawings and paintings from nature & poetry by Rachel Arnold

                                                     local landscapes by Howard Pullar

                                                                         glass jewellery and ceramics by Designer Maker Charlotte Clark

                                 installation inspired by early 20th century design by Adrian Davies


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